Farrar's Faucet: A psychologist’s candid, productive and often humorous take on principled business behavior and better business outcomes.

You can make a difference in the life of a homeless person

This coming Saturday 13th November I will be donating my time to MC a charity event for At Home Group.

Let me quote from the press release:

‘“On a Monday I got hired. I rejoiced then panicked! I didn’t have the required clothes or bus fare. I would have to turn the job down,” said Sarah Brown, Twin Cities resident. “Being homeless and unemployed for over a year, I just sobbed – my chance to get my kids a home again was gone.”

“Tuesday, I found At Home Group. Everything changed. By Wednesday, Kathy Olson, At Home Group director, showed up with everything! I started work Wednesday afternoon. She probably saved our lives!” Brown said. “Now, I want to help others like myself.”

On November 13, At Home Group clients like Sarah are teaming up to help raise funds for those who are still homeless at the Restoring Hope Gala.

Here are the event details:

Restoring Hope Gala
First Unitarian Society
900 Mount Curve Avenue
(One block behind the Walker Art Center)
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Formal event tickets: $50 individual/$400 table of eight/$500 table of ten
Reservations online at www.athomegroup.org or call 612.235.0154

Kathy Olson says "Homeless clients like Brown prove they are homeless not helpless.  We buy trade tools, uniforms, and bus fare so clients can go to work and afford housing again. Clients are able to return to jobs as carpenters, beauticians, chefs, waiters, and welders. We are the only organization, we know of, in Minnesota that does this type of work as its sole mission. Before clients even leave my office, they ask how they can help others in their predicament. The Gala is giving them that opportunity.”

This is a great organization that I literally ran into while acting as a charity auctioneer at another function.  I really like what they do and the difference they make in people's lives by providing opportunities with dignity.  I love that the clients are able to share their stories and be part of giving it forward to the next group of people in need.

At Home Group is a nonprofit organization committed to eradicating homelessness in Minnesota by facilitating individuals becoming employed, self-sufficient and financially independent.

If you can come please take this opportunity.  Get a jump on this year’s season of giving and help provide permanent solutions to homelessness for displaced workers. Be someone’s hero, change a life, save a family, and strengthen your community. Make your reservation today!

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