Farrar's Faucet: A psychologist’s candid, productive and often humorous take on principled business behavior and better business outcomes.

David to speak at Carlson School of Management

I'm on a panel to speak at the Carlson School of Management next week on "Selling, Marketing and Management Tools In The New Global Market." If you're local and you can come along I'll be glad to look out for you and introduce you around.

 It should be a good evening. They have a great panel of speakers which I'm pleased to have been invited to join. I'm looking forward to hearing what they have to say!

You can find details of the event below and: here.

SMEI Minnesota Presents

The New Global Market

Selling, marketing and management challenges in the new global market
Carlson School of Mgmt 3M Auditorium, Minneapolis
Thursday, April 22, 2010 (4:30 PM - 6:30 PM)

Moderated by Dileep Rao, Ph.D., Carlson School of Management. Three-time Outstanding MBA Teacher of the Year; International entrepreneur and book author, Bootstrap to Billions.

Amit Gupta
Chairman, Amsum & Ash, Inc

• Co-founder and chairman of TAB India, a Jaipur-based quarrier, processor and marketer of granite, marble, slate and sandstone sold around the world.

Brett Schockley
Vice President of Emerging Products & Technology, Avaya

• Co-founder of Spanlink Communications
• Leads Avaya’s global professional services team for Contact Center and Unified Communications
• MBA, Carlson School of Management

James Thomas
Vice President of International Sales, Mate Precision Tooling in Anoka

• New sales channels in Mexico, Eastern Europe and Brazil
• Former President of Colder Products International
• MBA Thunderbird-Garvin School of International Management

Dr. David Farrar
International Business Consultant

• Former head of human resources in Southeast Asia and global effectiveness manager at Cargill.
• Speaker and consulting roles in Australia, Belgium, Germany, Malaysia, South Africa, Singapore, Switzerland, UK and U.S.

This event is FREE

Advance registration is required. If you prefer to register by phone please call 800-999-1414 ext 202.

And you can go to our new Facebook Business Page if you would like to let me know you're coming.

I'll look forward to seeing you!

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