Farrar's Faucet: A psychologist’s candid, productive and often humorous take on principled business behavior and better business outcomes.

Greetings from Australia

At the moment Genevieve and I are in Australia, enjoying some well-earned rest and recreation as well as catching up with friends and former clients and possibly some new clients for the future. It’s fantastic to be able to combine work and leisure, and there’s no better country on earth to find people who know how to work hard and play hard.

Over the next few weeks we are going to update this site with some of our observations of social and business life in Oz. We have already noticed just how busy Melbourne is, with new buildings, new universities and new business opportunities going up everywhere. Our property in Daylesford is part of Victoria’s new tourism boom, and in Brisbane we have seen restaurants and beaches everywhere filled with locals and holiday makers who look as if the Global Financial Crisis never happened.

Some of this is definitely the way the two recent governments in Australia have managed the economy and some of it is the happy circumstance that makes Australia’s minerals, weather and social climate some of the most sought after commodities on earth. Probably of most interest to us is the extent to which Australia’s current good fortune is a result of the way it is branded overseas, and the way business is done between Australians and with people from other countries.

We are looking forward to being back in the US soon with Thanksgiving and the holidays to look forward to. You can catch us on our usual email and telephone contact numbers.

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