Farrar's Faucet: A psychologist’s candid, productive and often humorous take on principled business behavior and better business outcomes.

The end of week four

Genevieve took this portrait of me this morning, exactly four weeks after my surgery. I'm sitting at my computer and finally catching up on all my work and correspondence.

Yesterday we met with my surgeon for the first time since my discharge from the hospital. I'm doing well, as was indicated when the nurses asked if I would like a wheelchair to get to the X-ray department. I haven't used a wheelchair since the second day after the operation, and even walked out of the hospital under my own steam on the day of my discharge.

So yesterday I had a lot of blood samples taken, looked at a lot of charts and figures, and spent a lot of time contemplating my recovery.

I got the go-ahead to start driving, and because I'm pretty flexible now and pain-free, I even got approval to begin some light running if I want. I still can't lift much until the bones knit, but I can get around OK, and I have much of my old stamina back. (My old stamina, as in before 2008 since I suspect that much of what I thought was old age and laziness last year was really the result of the poor heart circulation).

All things being equal, this will probably be the last entry here that specifically relates to how I'm recovering. I still have some insights that have come as a result of the experience, and I'll continue to put those here where I feel they can benefit others.

I also have to say, thinking and writing about things has benefited me enormously, particularly in so far as it has helped me get a sense of humility and the role of good fortune in my recovery.

Everyone has been wonderful and positive, and if I haven't said it directly, (which I hope I have often enough), then at least you know I have been continuously thankful and pleasantly surprised by just how supportive everyone has been.



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