Farrar's Faucet: A psychologist’s candid, productive and often humorous take on principled business behavior and better business outcomes.

Recovery is a marathon

I’m up and about, and yesterday I even met with a client as I slowly resumed my normal work pattern. Not such a good idea.

I think that if you wanted to make a broad generalization about people you could say that they are either temperamentally suited to be sprinters or marathoners. The sprinter types see challenges and obstacles as something to be tackled right here, right now. They throw their all at a situation, and depending on talent, motivation and opportunity, they either succeed or fail, right here, right now.

Marathoners are a little different. Today wasn’t such a good day for me. Just as a hill looks different at mile six, or sixteen or twenty-six, a few simple tasks today completely tuckered me out. I hadn’t realized how much being out and about had taken out of me. I slept in front of the TV for three hours yesterday, and this morning I was still sleeping on the sofa at 11am.

However, I don’t succeed or fail based on how I feel today. Recovery is about keeping your eye on the finishing line and keeping on being the best you can. I want to give my clients my full attention when I'm with them, and I want to be on top of my game. Recovery is a marathon, and sometimes you have to slow down to go fast. I’m taking it easy for a couple of days and then I’ll try again…and I’m going to make that finish line faster than you might expect.

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