I went in to surgery at 7am on Friday 30th January, and I came out into ICU around 2pm. They had me stabilized and on IV and heart monitoring, and Genevieve was able to see me around 5pm, which is roughly when I became conscious. I was on ventilation for an hour or so, and on a heart pacemaker overnight.
I'll not share with you my experiences of recovering consciousness and the ability to breathe. It's enough to say that it took me a good twenty minutes to remember how to speak again even after the ventilation came away. I remember holding Genevieve's hand while I learned the shallow in and out breathing that kept the machine off me, and how thankful I was for having her there and the care of the nursing staff.
The first thing I asked for when I could speak...a sprite! I never drink sprite so I've no idea what was going through my mind, but I can tell you it seriously tasted so good I have no words to describe it. It was like I had to regain the ability to taste, and the sugary liquid set off every pleasure center in my head I have ever known. Genevieve and the nurses said I couldn't stop laughing.
The following morning I could sit up with support, and I asked for solid food. From then on the hospital has told me the recovery has been one of the best they have ever seen.
I'm writing this about one week after it all happened, so you know things have just kept going uphill from here. I'm very thankful for all the kind support and good wishes that have been sent to me.
I am going to keep this short, and I will post the rest of the recovery in some short messages that follow. You can send me an email by clicking here, or you can share a comment for others to see by clicking on the word "comments" below.
For more on my recovery click here.
Once again, thank you to everyone for all the support.
Thanks for the update David. We're so pleased you're making a speedy recovery. It's obvious you're as fit as a tick - your photo is evidence of that. Who else on this earth could come out of the ICU after major heart surgery and have the energy to pick and choose between the roast chicken and vegetables or the beef stew. Amazing stuff buddy! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
I'm relieved to hear you are recovering well. Take it easy and make sure to follow doctors orders.
Take care,
I had no idea - until I received Tim Gustafson's e-mail today. Glad to hear you have pulled through this well so far. Anything you'd like from your ASTD-TCC buddies? Coffee? (I may just be kidding.)
Joe Lane
Hi David!
We missed you at the ASTD board meeting on Friday. Just wasn't the same without you. Of course we decided to put your name next to all tasks that needed to be assigned, so you'll have plenty to keep you busy. Don't want you to forget us or get bored. (Just kidding!)
Take care and keep getting stronger.
Best wishes,
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