Farrar's Faucet: A psychologist’s candid, productive and often humorous take on principled business behavior and better business outcomes.

Reading and resources

These are a few recent books that cover aspects of principled business relationships.

  • Business Ethics
    • Business Ethics David Fritzsche
    • Business Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal Integrity and Social Responsibility Laura Hartman and Joseph DesJardins
    • Business Ethics: Policies and persons Goodpaster-Nash-deBettignies
    • Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy AnneLawrence, James Weber and James Post
    • Business, Government, and Society: A managerial Perspective George and John Steiner
    • Perspectives in Business Ethics Laura Hartman
    • Taking Sides: Issues in Business Ethics and Society Lisa Newton and Maureen Ford
    • The ethics of management LaRueHosmer

  • Emotional And Social Intelligence Skills
    • Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman
    • Practical Intelligence Karl Albrecht
    • Social Intelligence Karl Albrecht
    • Social Intelligence Daniel Goleman
    • Working with Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman

  • Networking And Business Relationships
    • Little Black Book of Connections Jeffrey Gitomer
    • Never Eat Alone Keith Ferrazzi
    • Made to Stick Chip and Dan Heath
    • The Speed of Trust Stephen M R Covey

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